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Family Chiropractic Health Center in Inverness, FL
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Urgent Care Medical Clinic - T Layne Crowe MD in Anchorage, AK
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A Closer Look at Specialty Clinics Anytime that you have a general illness you will see your family doctor. They will sometimes have to refer you out to a specialty clinic for certain illnesses or diseases. There are many different specialty clinics out there, and you are sure find yourself visiting one at some point in your life. Take a look at the most common types of specialty clinics... Continue Reading

Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast

8432 South US Highway 1
Port Saint Lucie, FL

(772) 871-2211

Our specialties include free pregnancy test, free std testing, free std tests, limited medical services, pregnancy support, pregnancy support services, pregnant & scared, safe & caring, safe caring & confidential and walk-ins welcome limited basis. Our preferred brands include care net. We can assist you with 24 hour, counseling, free pregnancy tests, limited medical services, pregnancy support services, safe caring & confidential and walk- ins" welcome on a limited basis. We've served commercial customers. Safe, caring, & confidential, lakes plaza, call for appointment. "walk-ins" welcome on a limited basis, call for hours and directions, care net. Open for business 24 hours a day.


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